Clarke, Anna,
Ph.D |Supervisor:
Gutman, Per-Olof"An Automatic Control System for Training Complex Kinesthetic Skills"
Elimelech, Khen,
Ph.D |Supervisor:
Indelman, Vadim"Efficient Decision Making under Uncertainty in High-Dimensional State Spaces"
Farhi, Elad,
Ph.D |Supervisor:
Indelman, Vadim"Joint Incremental Inference and Belief Space Planning for Online Operations of Autonomous Systems"
Gaathon, Adar,
Ph.D |Supervisor:
Degani, Amir"Development of an Optimal Robotic Leg by Using Minimalistic Control Methods to Increase the Robustness of a Running Robot"
Gershov, Sapir,
M.Sc |Supervisor:
Laufer, Shlomi"Autonomous Medical Simulators"
Glanz, Ido,
ME |Supervisor:
Karpas, Erez"Story-telling robotic teddy-bear with an LTL constrained reinforcement and imitation learning algorithms designed to maximize children's interaction and attention"
Halamish, Omer,
ME |Supervisor:
Rimon, Elon"Improvement for coverage algorithm (BSA) for autonomous robot, based on recursive implementation, and build of random test environments"
Hurwitz, Dror,
M.Sc |Supervisors:
Klein, Itzik ;
Filin, Sagi"Autonomous Mapping Using Quadcopter Formation"
Levy, Rotem,
M.Sc |Supervisor:
Haddad, Jack"Autonomous Vehicles Motion Planning and Control without Lanes"
Pevzner, Alexei,
M.Sc |Supervisor:
Degani, Amir"Motion Planning with Center of Gravity Restriction for a Dual-Arm Mobile Manipulator"
Pukshansky, Michael,
M.Sc |Supervisors:
Or Yizhar;
Gat, Amir"Experimental Study of Actuation and Locomotion in Minimally Controlled Fluid-Driven Soft Robotics"
Salem, Lior,
Ph.D |Supervisors:
Or Yizhar;
Gat, Amir"Development of Legged Soft Robot Actuated by Flow in an Embedded Channel Network "
Weksler, Matan,
ME |Supervisor:
Karpas, Erez"Story-telling robotic teddy-bear with an LTL constrained reinforcement and imitation learning algorithms designed to maximize children's interaction and attention"